We accompany and guide visionary leaders committed to 

developing the people and organizations our world is asking for. 


In a rapidly changing world, learning and improvement are continuous processes. We offer leaders the container of an ongoing relationship that holds your organization as it evolves itself into a living organism capable of navigating our new world and fulfill its mission. Our services include:

Leadership Support and Development

Leadership Coaching

    • Helping you hold the vision while tending to day-to-day demands (grounding the health of the whole while tending to any part)
    • Supporting the prioritization of caring for self, to be able to care for the whole
    • Modeling inner-leadership and presence as a pathway to empowering others (power-within → power-with)

Accompaniment and Strategic Advising 

    • Supporting your discernment and decision-making so that each step taken brings greater strength and coherence to your organization and teams, 
    • Designing to layer-in value and reduce any unnecessary waste of time, energy and money
    • Providing “new world” language and framing which supports short and long-term financial strength and positioning
    • Optimizing transitional threshold moments to more fully lean into emergent potential


    • Accompanying you in support of your mission
    • Connecting you with other leaders exploring leading edge ways of working in our new world
    • Ecosystem for what’s …weave you into communities with like-minded…link you and your organization into the wider ecosystem

Developing Your People

New World Capacities Training

    • Providing “just-in-time” learning opportunities that engage your teams, helping them develop new world capacities while accomplishing present day work
    • Enabling learning through mentoring models which allow your people and organization to develop capacity without becoming overly dependent on consultants



    • Establishing one point-of-contact coordination and “match-making” with our New World consultant network (the right consultants at the right time for what is needed)

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